Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The most special thing I can do is probably ride snow mobiles. Most people can not jump on a sled and know how to operate it correctly. There is more than meets the eye when riding a snow mobile. You have to know the terrain, how the sled works (if its operating correctly), and much more. I believe this is special because only a select few have even been on a snowmobile.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Xbox One
The new piece of technology I would get would be the Xbox One. I would love to have this because my Xbox 360 is starting to get out dated and its time for a new console. If I got the Xbox One I would (of course) play video games. It would make my life better by giving me the pleasure of sitting down and relaxing while play some of my favorite games. Yes, I would probably just use the Xbox One for fun because I don't even use my Xbox 360 for educational purposes.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Four Day Weekend
On my four day weekend I just relaxed the entire time. On Thursday I got up and didn't eat because I knew that later on I would be super full. Around 11 a.m. my family and I went over to my Grandma's house and had brunch. Then around 4 p.m. we went over to my parents friend's house and had a real Thanksgiving dinner. On Friday I worked all day with my dad and then when we got done I got home and played Xbox all night. On Saturday I sat around the house and did absolutely nothing. Then on my last day off which of course was Sunday I worked a little with my dad, came home played some more Xbox, then at 9 p.m. The Walking Dead came one and that was the most intense episode by far.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thanksgiving means a time of thanks to all who have helped you out. Normally on Thanksgiving my whole family goes to my grandma's house and then this year we are going to my friend's aunt's house for a little bit. One special kind of food we eat is mashed potatoes and gravy, my absolute favorite food in the world. No, we really don't have a family tradition except for saying grace before eating. We celebrate Thanksgiving because when the pilgrims first arrived here the Indians helped us to really get going, in return we had a dinner to initially tell them thank you, hence Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Dull Evenings
My idea of a dull evening is just sitting there all night and doing nothing. Watching TV and sitting on your phone is a dull evening to me. Also if you just go take a nap but then you decide to stay asleep, that is a really dull evening. Most nights I am just watching TV or on my phone so most of the time I'm having a dull evening.
Monday, November 11, 2013
No there is never a time when you can lie about little things. Little lies turn into bigger and more lies, you keep lying to keep your self from getting in trouble for the previous. It is extra important to tell the truth when you are dealing with the law, it could deal with a life or death situation. Yes I have lied to get something I wanted, like a video game or something like that. Yes I lie to my friends, but only because we are messing around, I never lie to my parents or teachers. So always tell the truth, it could lead to more lies if you don't tell the truth the first time.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Up North Trip
Last week I went up to our property in Thompsonville. We got there about 2 a.m. Wednesday and stayed until Friday night. While my dad, his friend, and I were up there we just rode four wheelers the whole time. We were gone for hours at a time, the trails never end up there. If we wanted to we could've been gone all day but we probably would've gotten lost. Hopefully this winter we can go up and ride snowmobile instead of four wheelers.
Monday, October 28, 2013
This year for Halloween I probably wont go trick or treating, I will just hand out candy to all the little kids. I think when you turn 13 you are to old to go trick or treating because you are officially a teenager when you turn 13. I would much rather go to a Halloween party then go trick or treating because you can hang out with all of your friends at the party. My favorite costume that I wore in elementary school was when I had this crazy scary mask on with a state prison shirt on. The best candy you can get in your bag is Kit Kat!! I also love carving pumpkins, just the other day I carved the Detroit Tigers logo into a pumpkin, it was pretty cool.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Peer Mentoring Assembly
Today I went to an assembly for peer mentoring. I thought we would just sit there and learn what to do with them but I was totally wrong. We got into pairs and talked about really important things that would help us with our mentees. After eating pizza for lunch we got into the really emotional part of the assembly. We all got on one side of a line and the instructor would ask us questions about our lives. Just to see the people that crossed the line with you and how that felt to not be alone while struggling was really a relief. Also it really opened you up as a person, to take off your mask and let people see the real you and how you really act. It was a great experience and an eye opener to what people are going through in there lives. So what I'm trying to say is don't be so quick to judge people, step into there shoes and see if you could handle everything they are going through.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
This winter better be a good one, if it isn't then I will be really disappointed. Hopefully my dad will take Quinn and I Up North for a week or so, we will take our snowmobiles and just ride all day everyday. We have property in Thompsonville, Michigan. It is about 25 minutes outside of Traverse City and there are plenty of other close towns that we could ride to and stay in a hotel. So my back up plan if we don't get a lot of snow here then we will just head Up North.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
One of my favorite activities during the fall is raking up the leaves and then jumping into the pile. Another thing is carving pumpkins with the family and then on Halloween going around my grandma's neighborhood and Trick or Treating. My favorite fall food is probably pumpkin anything, like pies and cookies. Last weekend I went outside and looked at the trees but I didn't take any photos, I should have though because they are so beautiful. One thing I can do during the fall that I can't do any other time of year is go to Halloweekends at Cedar Point, it is so much fun!!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Clinton Game
This weeks game against Clinton was a huge disappointment to the team, we lost 38 to 6. I think we lost because we came into that game thinking that they were just going to hand us the win. Obviously that wasn't the case at all, they came into that game thinking they were going to destroy us and they pretty much did. Now it's time to get ready for next weeks game against Whitford. DO WORK!!!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Just sitting here in Exploring Tech got my Taking a look at Wikis done for the day. Tomorrow we are starting to put data in a word document for a website we are be going to be making. Hopefully it isn't to hard!!
Monday, October 14, 2013
I am not perfect at all! One thing I could change about myself is making fun of people. Most others think that I am a kid that doesn't make fun of kids but I feel like I do, but not necessarily a lot. I should change this because I know what it's like to be made fun of so I should stop doing it to other people. Nobody really knows this side of me because I try to hide it most of the time. So if I work on changing then I will be a better person because I won't be making fun of kids anymore.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Football Game
Today's game is against BD (Britton - Deerfield). Hopefully we come out with a win, if not then I will be really disappointed!! I'm not sure what their record is but I know that we have been doing better than them this year. So after the win this week we have Clinton, rumor has it that they are doing really good but we have been doing pretty good also, so it should be a close game. Come out and support your Sand Creek Fighting Aggies JV football team.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Can't wait for practice today, its going to be fun. It's the only day all week of practice where we go all out and hit someone. Then comes Thursday, GAME DAY!! This week we have BD which should be a pretty good game.
Monday, October 7, 2013
School Lunches
This weeks blog is going to be about school lunches. Our school lunches aren't really that bad, but they used to be worst. One time we were served chicken shaped like a chicken leg with no bone in it, how do you get it to look like that? Now - a - days Mondays are really only the bad lunch day, it's usually cheeseburgers or chicken sandwiches. Tuesday is usually hot dogs, macaroni, or mashed potatoes. Wednesday is always a pizza while Thursday is always Mexican food. Then Friday is my favorite lunch of the whole week, we get served popcorn chicken or mini corn dogs or you can just get both like I do.

Friday, October 4, 2013
Work Day
Well today in Exploring Tech it is just a make up day so I don't know what I am going to do yet. I might work on bad grades or play 8 Ball Pool, please tell me what you think!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Pep Assembly
The Pep Assembly this year was a blast just like every year. Of course I enjoyed the Pep Assembly, I'm just glad that out teachers let us get out of the last two hours of school that day and go and enjoy ourselves with our friends and peers. The best part was when the teachers beat the juniors in the tug-a-war. The worst part was when the juniors beat the sophomores. I unfortunately did not participate because my ankle was messed up from our game last Thursday when we beat Morenci. I would like to see way more people participate every year, more than just the select few that go down there for the rely games.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Spirit Week

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
First Blog
This is my first blog in my entire life, but I'm sure it won't be the last. It is harder than I expected it would be but with my computer skills I managed to work through it. So hopefully I will like my new Exploring Tech class.
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