I think the tool I am going to use once I graduate is probably going to be blogging. I am just going to keep updating it to let my family members and friends know how I'm doing if I move somewhere far away from them. So basically to keep in touch with every one. I would probably just blog once a week like on a Friday so I could tell everyone what my week consisted of. Another way is if I have a job I could post stuff to my fellow employees like if I cant make it or my schedule for that week. And the last way is to just let people know what my interests are, who knows maybe I'll find someone on there that is a lot like me. I have chosen this tool because blogging is really simple and doesn't take that much time unless you are going to type a hug paper on here or something like that. For those who don't know what blogging is, its just you getting on a blogging website and sharing info about yourselves and then other people get on your page and look at all of your posts, its pretty fun to be honest. The tool that I think I will never use again is Google Drive because I never really understood Google Drive and it was pretty difficult to operate, well for me it was.
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